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  • How to play as Sorcerer in Diablo IV  :: Even though Diablo IV in general is not a mechanically complex game when it comes to efficiently usi

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How to play as Sorcerer in Diablo IV

Even though Diablo IV in general is not a mechanically complex game when it comes to efficiently using a class, the sorcerer is not the easiest pick you have among the game’s class roster. Buying <a href=" 4 items</a> and <a href="">d2 resurrected items</a> can help boost your gear in Diablo 4, which benefits physical damage dealers and specs that benefit from scaling.


First, this is a very squishy class, which means you can die pretty easily since it doesn’t have a lot of health. Because of that, positioning is extremely important. To stay alive and keep causing damage, kiting is a useful technique. To do so, you must always try to walk between attacks. In addition to these two aspects, sorcerer’s skills use a lot of mana. So managing your mana is also a challenge when you begin playing the class and have no tools to help you regenerate it faster.


Now, when it comes to playing with this build, things are not complicated. The core skills of this build are Chain Lightning and Hydra. Because Chain Lightning jumps from one enemy to another – or from you to a single enemy – and its Enhanced upgrade increases the chance of landing Critical Strike per bounce, you will trigger Invoked Hydra’s effect and buff its damage. This interaction may sound too simple, but it’s extremely effective.


So, when you engage enemies, you want to cast Hydra and then use Chain Lightning. If run low on mana, go for Arc Lash and try to use your Ice Armor as soon as it gets out of cooldown so your mana will restore faster. But, if you have enough mana, you might want to pop your ultimate skill as well. In most situations, the interaction between Chain Lightning and the Hydra is enough for single-target situations or groups of enemies as well. You will cause a lot of damage and probably enemies will die before they reach you.


Diablo IV Sorcerer best skills

Sorcerers have a pretty vast kit, with many different skills for you to pick and get the best experience with the class. But, considering what was explained in the previous section, there are some specific skills you must run for this build to work.


Basic node

Arc Lash: The only reason we are picking this one as your basic skill is that it has the effect of stunning enemies from time to time. Sorcerers are as powerful as they are squishy, making an early crowd control ability quite useful.

Core node

Chain Lightning: By using this skill, you will attack an enemy with lightning that can chain between enemies as well as you. Picking and upgrading it to Enhanced Chain Lightning and Greater Chain Lightning will not only turn this skill into one of your main sources of damage but also will increase the chance of Critical Strike happening.

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